Calopogonium Mucunoides (CM)
Type of plant seedlings are short-lived, stems succulent, covered with long brown hair. Dense and shallow roots of 50cm Seitar, Crawling at the bottom. The root in the knot that comes in contact with the ground, The top of the stem is twisted. The leaf mass is between 30-55cm depth.
Usefulness break down nitrogen, control erosion, reduce soil temperatures, improve soil fertility and control pests.
Growth Tolerant Shade,. Can be resistant to flood conditions. It grows better on acidic, soil clay (pH4.5-5). Poor drought tolerance.
Plant type & Seed level Monoculture-10kg / ha. Mixture-4kg / ha.
Planting Method Dig or hole
Dry Production 14t / ha (single piece)
Number of seeds / kg 65,000-70,000